Friday, December 16, 2022

Unit 6 Factoring

 Unit 6.1 Factors and GCF:

Unit 6.2 Factor by Grouping: or by the Box Method:

Unit 6.3 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring:

Unit 6.4 Day 1: Factoring Trinomials:

Unit 6.4 Day 2 Solving Trinomial Equations by Factoring:

Unit 6.5 Day 1 Trinomials with a Leading Coefficient:

Unit 6.5 Day 1 Trinomials with a Leading Coefficient Box Method:

Unit 6.5 Day 3 Solving Trinomial Equations with Leading Coefficient:

Unit 6 Quiz #2 Review Trinomials and Equations (No notes in the packet but some might want to use it to review.):

Unit 6.6 Difference of Squares: (Missing the last 2 examples on the 1st page.  I will try to revise that before we need it.)